Background of Study
Prior to the introduction of the formal system of education in Nigeria by the colonial masters, there were methods of teaching or imparting knowledge, skills and attitudes in the traditional society. These methods were not highly popularized until the introduction of formal system of education in Nigeria in 1843 (Jekayinfa and Kolawole, 2019). The advent of education gave rise to school classrooms where students grapple with the realities of the complex teaching-learning situation.
Teaching is regarded as the art of imparting knowledge, skills and attitudes in a person in order to bring about a desired change in behaviour that is relatively permanent. According to Smith, (2020), teaching can be seen as the process of carrying out those activities that experience has shown to be effective in getting students to learn.
From his own perspective, Olinya (2017) described teaching as an articulated attempt by the teacher to help students acquire skills, attitude, knowledge, idea to better their worth in life. This means that the teachers’ task is to create or influence desirable positive changes in behaviour and academic achievement of the students. In other worlds, one teaches when the life of the learner has been academically affected.
In view of this, the success of any teaching effort is measured by the degree to which the teacher is able to achieve the desired objectives. To achieve these objectives of teaching, the teacher must know the types of learning outcomes expected from the learners and the best methods to employ that will bring about such changes in students’ behaviour and academic achievements. Thus, teaching is the only gateway through which the aims and objectives of science education can be achieved using different instructional methods consistent with the nature of science.
In Nigeria, the education system is guided by the National Policy on Education which provides for formal as well as non-formal modes of delivery (NERDC, 2004). One of the guiding principles of education in Nigeria is to equip every citizen with such knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that will enable him derive maximum benefits from the membership of his society, to live a fulfilling life and contribute to- wards the development and welfare of the community (NERDC, 2004). In tandem with the above principles, the policy stipulated the following goals of science education: It is the foundation of scientific and technological knowledge that is vital in the socio- economic development of the nation. It is also used as a basic entry requirement into most of the professional courses offered at degree level such as commerce, economics, actuarial science, engineering, medicine, pharmacy and architecture as prescribed.
Performance in Biology depends largely on effective teaching and learning process (UNESCO, 2008). Developmental learning theorists brought to education the idea that teachers can be more effective if they can organize learning in a step-by-step manner and connect it to the learner’s prior knowledge and experiences (Piaget, 1953). The activities selected in the teaching and learning of Biology must nurture plenty of student activity and acquisition of learning skills and that an enabling environment should be created to give the learner the opportunity to interact freely with fellow learners.
For effective acquisition of Biological skills teachers are advised to use heuristic methods as much as possible so as to involve the learners and keep them interested in the subject. They should have a free hand to use their own approaches (Julius, 2006).
WAEC Chief Examiners’ Report (2011) identified other causes of mass failure to include, poor command of the English Language, lack of Biology and manipulative skills, poor knowledge of examination techniques, illegible handwriting, spelling errors, among others. Therefore, to enhance students’ academic achievement in future examinations, the study recommended that governments and private owners of schools should employ qualified hands to teach various science subjects.
In line with this, it is only a qualified teacher with effective teaching method that can remedy students’ poor academic achievement in Biology and other science subjects. However, in an attempt to encourage learning in science and Biology in particular, the problem of mastery of subject matter, skills and interest in scientific concepts could be addressed through the use of students’ interactive teaching method facilitated by the teacher. One of such interactive methods that may enhance students’ interest in science learning is peer tutoring.
Gender in this context can be referred to as the categorization of people into two namely, “male and “female” through interaction with caretakers, socialization in child- hood, peers pressure in adolescence, and gendered work and family roles of which women and men are socially constructed to be different in behaviour, attitudes, and emotions (Borgatta and Montgomery 2000). Gender from the above, is the societal meaning assigned to male and female with a particular role that each should play. This is verifiable because, there is a general belief among Nigerians that males are superior to females in terms of physical physique, cognition, logical reasoning and even in academic achievement (Anigbogu, 2019).
Peer tutoring is an instructional strategy that encourages students’ partnership, linking high achieving students with lower achieving ones for structured reading, discussion and information exchange among students during science lesson (Rohrbeck, Ginsburg block, Fontuzzo and Miller; 2018). Furthermore, the study noted that peer tutoring is a ‘systematic peer mediated teaching strategy”. Using this method, the science teacher after presenting a topic to a group of learners by direct interaction, permits the brighter students to interact with their less bright counterparts.
According to Golding, Lisa and Tennant, (2016) peer tutoring is a process by which pupils, with guidance from their teacher, helps by teaching one or more peers to learn skills or concepts. This means that this approach focuses on peers to solve problem, and it can be effective in fostering creativity, experimentation, problem- solving skills and learning of deep concepts. Furthermore, Nathern and Liz (2007) noted that peer tutoring gives teachers the capability to accommodate a class- room with diverse learners to improve academic achievement across ability levels and content areas.
Similarly, Miller and Miller (1995) posit that peer tutoring is an economically and educationally effective intervention for slow learners and high achievers that can benefit both the tutor and tutee, socially and educationally by motivating them to learn. It means that when peer tutoring is carefully guided by a teacher, the interaction among individuals and groups in the classroom will deepen the understanding of scientific concepts among the students. It is on this premise that the researchers decided to explore the influence of peer tutoring on students’ academic performance in Biology in senior secondary schools, a case study of selected secondary schools in Okitipupa local government area of Ondo State.
Statement of Problem
There have been so much cry and agitation from the educational stake holders about the poor performance of students in Biology. Several factors have been identified as responsible for the poor performance of the students in Biology. One of such factor has to do with idiosyncrasies of classroom interaction which are in parts traceable to the insufficient interaction between the teachers and students.
Despite the value and importance of Biology in secondary school, the subject still seems to be difficult for the students as evidenced in their low performance in the subject especially at the external examination (WAEC, NECO and NABTEB). Aremu (2003) stresses that academic failure is not only frustrating to the students and the parents, its effects are equally grave on the society in terms of dearth of manpower in all spheres of the economy. The question therefore is what is the cause of this fallen standard and poor academic performance of students in Biology? Is the fault entirely that of teachers or students or both? To this end, the study is planned to answer the following general questions.
1. What is the academic achievement of students taught Biology using peer tutoring and conventional method?
2. What is the academic achievement of male and female students taught Biology using peer tutoring and conventional method?
3. What is the academic achievement of private and public students taught Biology using peer tutoring and conventional method?
It is on the basis of those outlined facts that this study was carried out to find the use of peer-tutoring on students’ academic performance in Biology in senior secondary schools in Okitipupa Local Government Area of Ondo State
Purpose of the study
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of peer tutoring on students’ academic performance in Biology in senior secondary schools, a case study of selected secondary schools in Okitipupa local government area of Ondo State. Specifically, the study sought to;
1. Find out the academic achievements of students taught Biology using peer tutoring and conventional method.
2. determine the academic achievement of male and female students taught Biology using peer tutoring and conventional method.
3. ascertain the academic achievement of private and public students taught Biology using peer tutoring and conventional method.
Significance of the Study
The significance of the classroom interaction in any subject cannot be over emphasized. In secondary schools, there has been no particular teaching method established in the conventional classroom situation.
Therefore, the result of this study is expecting to assist the Biology teachers to consciously structure their class so as to induce in the learners the knowledge necessary for meaningful Biology learning. Also, the result is expected to help the curriculum innovators to prescribe the structuring meaningful classroom teaching method necessary for promoting higher performance of students in Biology.
It is neither an understatement nor an over-statement to say that Biology is the pivot on which the wheel of sciences rotate. It is therefore believed that the outcome of this study might help in focusing on the use of peer-tutoring method in teaching and learning of Biology. The study might also help in improving the performance and interest of students in the learning of Biology. More so, the study would allow students to know the importance of peer-tutoring. In addition, the findings of the study could create more interest in Biology as a subject in the minds of the students and when this is done, the impact of Biology will be felt the more in our society. The study would enable parents to help in fostering the education of their wards right from homes when they introduce peer-tutoring method of teaching.
Furthermore, the study hoped to provide educational policy makers, curriculum developers as well as text-books writers some information which are recent and which will update them on the subject. It would enhance the delivery and access to knowledge and improvement on the curriculum, providing richer learning out comes compared to education without peer-tutoring method. The study could form the basis for the federal and state ministries of education to organize seminars, conferences and in service training for Biology teachers on how to teach students with the view of improving student’s performance in the subject.
Delimitation of the Study
The study is delimited to senior secondary schools in Okitipupa Local Government Area. It comprised of senior secondary school two Biology students in public secondary schools in Okitipupa Local Government Areas of Ondo State. The study covers some selected S.S.S I Biology curriculum contents.
Research Questions
This study was guided by the following research questions:
1. What is the effect of using peer tutoring approach relative to the conventional lecture method of instruction on students’ academic achievement in Biology?
2. What is the influence of gender on the academic achievement of students taught Biology using peer tutoring and conventional method?
3. What is the influence of school type on the academic achievement of students taught Biology using peer tutoring and conventional method?
The following null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance guided the study.
H01: There would be no significant difference between the mean achievement score of students taught Biology using peer tutoring and their counterpart using conventional lecture methods.
H02: There would be no significant difference between the mean achievement score of male and female students taught Biology using peer tutoring.
H03: There would be no significant difference between the mean achievement score of private and public students taught Biology using peer tutoring.
Definition of Terms
The following terms were operationally defined in this study:
Teaching: This is the process of transferring ideas through methods by the teacher to the students’ in order to ensure learning.
Learning: This is the process of acquiring new ideas which involve change in behavior after acquiring new concept.
Students: someone who is studying at a university, school e.t.c
Classroom: a room that you have lessons in at a school or college
Teacher: someone whose job is to teach, especially in a school
School: a place where children are taught.
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